Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Declutter to feel good

Lets all try something today......lets declutter.....just give 2-3 mins today and see if u feel good!

The lesser we have to keep the easier it is for us to be organized. A neat space always makes us feel good. Lets not make cleaning a tedious task which takes hours of our precious weekend. Just start with a small space. Just open your cupboard , drawer anything and for 2-3 mins just reorganize any one space. Just see you can throw away so many unwanted stuff and the fact that you see a clean place can makes you feel good.

While you make yourself a cup of tea just clean a shelf, drawer, a rack of the fridge or just wipe the oven or microwave. Its just done in no time. This way within a week a lot of stuff in the kitchen will get sorted.

I had read somewhere that if you buy a thing then you discard two things from your space. Yeah.....I have been doing that for a while now and believe me it is now much easier for me to accomodate new stuff. I remember I kept old cups inspite of buying new ones thinking that they will be of some use someday. But the truth is that I never ever used them. So why keep them in anticipation and clutter the space. Just give away....there are always takers if you wish to give.

Clothes are another thing that we always have in surplus. Discard the ones that we haven't worn in six months. I have this habit of thinking that if I grow thin then I shall fit into them. Well I don't think that works ...if I grow thin I would certainly want to rewamp my wardrobe and get something more smarter......just give the unused ones in charity.

Tidy your workspace for just a couple of minutes a day and I am sure you will love to work in a neat workstation.

Just before going to sleep pick up the scattered stuff in the living room and put them in morning you can get up to a clean room which makes you feel fresh. If the place is really messy and you have to reorganize....put all the scattered stuff in a big box and as and when you have time put any 2-3 things in place.

Just try it........................decluttering gives immense satisfaction...................start with a small space and see how easily in a short span you are feeling staying organized is a part of your life.

Do share how you tried decluttering, your ideas of declutter...............:)



  1. yessssssssss.........our didi is here......thanks for your blog........I liked this portion...........decluttering...even from today morning we tried to clean up our utensils by our's a pretty good feeling.........

    1. Good Raha....that you made the start today morning itself :)

  2. "if you buy a thing then you discard two things from your space"- That's a real truth, but people tend not to believe it. I always had hard time to convince parents about it. But whatever we discard, we should not just throwaway. What is throwaway for one, may bring smile to other.

  3. I completely begins at home and what best to clear your space n also make another needy person happy!
