Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Imaginary Ugliness – BDD

Most people love to look into the mirror and analyze their appearance.  But there are some people who are never ever satisfied with the way they look. They often wear heavy make up, constantly look at themselves the mirror, keep measuring the apparent fault or frequently visit a doctor to correct their defect. When this dissatisfaction does not match up to the way a person wants to look, it constantly hovers in the mind, torments the person and the imperfections preoccupies the mind it could mean the person is a victim of BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder).

The obsession can be with regard to facial flaws, complexion, height, weight or hair. They can worry that their eyes are small, nose is not shaped appropriately, teeth alignment is not perfect and various other minor flaws. These aberrations are usually unnoticeable or small in the eyes of others, but the person who has BDD always sees them magnified.
Apart from obsession, the person may exhibit compulsion and avoidance behavior. Compulsion behavior means that the person may repeatedly apply make up and not be satisfied, may repeatedly ask for reassurance from other people by asking whether the flaw is noticeable (like Am I looking fat?).  Checking and fixing are indications of this behavior. In avoidance behavior the person will avoid going out, stop socializing, cover up certain flaws and avoid mirrors.
The cause of this condition is not known, it could be genetic or related to some chemicals disproportions in the brain. A person with this condition may find it very difficult to come out of it. Even celebrities have been a prey to this syndrome. No wonder they go under the knife to sculpt their bodies according to what they want. They often visit cosmetic surgeons and dermalogists. The biggest example is Michael Jackson who underwent multiple surgeries to look like the way he wanted to.  But in spite of whatever the outcome of the treatment is they are never ever satisfied.
Let’s consider the life of a person affected with BDD. As the person repeatedly seeks reassurance from others, people might become put off by that person. The victim sometimes feels ashamed of ones state and hence does not express feelings to others. This leads to loneliness and depression. Most people are not aware of BDD and hence a victim is often misinterpreted.
In case you know of a person going through this kind of feelings please recognize the problem. BDD victims need help from experienced professionals from field of mental health or psychiatrists.  It is a condition which needs time to heal. It is really helpful if a person with BDD gets the support and love of friend or loved one. It helps them get out of isolation and loneliness. Be aware of this syndrome and please do not misapprehend………………..your support and awareness can make a difference in the life of any one around you suffering from this problem.


  1. i saw some of my friends did over makeup..do not know what to say..only thing is that they need to know what is fit on them and what is not........................was not aware this is a syndrome also....thanks for sharing this one..they needs human touch really

  2. Really wwe often make fun of such people or get annoyed with them....but sometimes its not intentional....its a disorder
