Then my curious mind wanted to know more about how it works. So my friend actually opened the cigarette and showed me the three components - the Cartridge, the atomizer and the power supply.The cartridge’s like a cigarette’s butt that usually holds the liquid that is to be vaporized. The atomizer is the heating element and vaporizes the liquid and all e- cigarettes works on a power supply from a chargeable plug, USB drive or from batteries. As the e-cigarette is smoked a microprocessor activates an orange LEB at the tip to simulate burning.
E-cigs are used as a smoking substitute or a smoking cessation aid to help smokers quit. Bu there were also concerns it could be marketed to younger people. The nicotine vapors in these e-cigarettes are far lesser than normal cigarettes. Non nicotine cartrideges are also available. To overcome addiction some people start with cartridges containing 16mg nicotine levels, move to 8mg nicotine and then slowly to non nicotine cartridges. In India the e-cigarette can be bought online or at select shops. Each cartridge is equivalent to 50-80 traditional cigarettes. It is priced between Rs 1000 - Rs 1500.
Now I am not sure how soon my friend with the help of the e-cigarette gives up on smoking, but I am sure its worth a try for all the smokers considering the severe health hazard smoking poses. Please say no to smoking!!!
didi this article is fav..............we really need to quit smoke...but there is a myth in begali............do not get angry pls........"dudhe r sad ghole mete na"..............i tried this one............but not feeling the same way like the real one..althogh i m in try to quit it...................
ReplyDeleteI know...but you have to be satisfied with something atleast ...so till you quit this more of a consolation :)