Thursday, May 24, 2012

Smile - A precious gift

Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing ~ Mother Teresa

A smile is a mood elevator. It helps us see life on a more upbeat note. It not only improves your day, but in turn it adds to creating a positive environment around you. A genuine smile can make you go miles!

But do we smile enough? Well if we don’t then be aware of the fact that scientifically when we smile or laugh the brain produces endorphins (chemicals inside our body) which help relieve stress.  The lesser stress, more the feeling of well being.
Now smile is an involuntary response so obviously we can't force ourselves to smile! Haven’t we seen that kids can just break into a smile at the drop of a hat? Their smile comes from their heart. But as we grow up the smile quotient in our life reduces.  Day to day life stress takes its toll. To smile, you have to give yourself permission to feel and enjoy small pleasures around. But we tend to build a hard shell around and become indifferent to the wonderful stimuli that usually create Smiles and Joy.
If you don’t find enough reasons to smile consider these:
  • A smiling face makes us look beautiful
  • A Smile can be a mood elevator
  • A Smile is definitely a great Stress Buster
  • A Smile makes you feel positive
  • A Smile can make a difference to someone elses life
So give your smiles away freely and you will be sure to get a lot back in return!


  1. Whoever is in need of smile, send him or her to me :):)

    1. Dipak we all know that smile is ur Tania says u smile even when you are angry!!

  2. ha ha..........dd u r right though....a smile can break the all the barrier between all borders

    1. Raha make good use of it to break some culture barriers
